Attitude in Staggering Proportions

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Princess Has Arrived and the Queen Has Ascended the Throne

I got a new puppy last night. Her name is Zoe (pronouced Zoey) Jezebel. I wanted to name her Sucia (a really vile insult in Spanish without any real English translation, but basically can be a dirty, bad girl), but Mom said it was too soft-sounding a name and that Zoe would have a hard time recognizing it. So, hence Zoe. We'll see how it works out. She already seems to be responding to it.

She totally accosts Pepper everytime they see each other and my poor old poodle is feeling thoroughly harassed. It's all good though. Zoe and I are going to be gone in less than a week anyway.

I heard from my Tennessee-by-way-of-Michigan friend. Says he's had a hellacious week at work. "Sorry" was all I got, no explanation, nothing. Oh well. That's how he is. Take him or leave him. Unfortunately, I have no other choice but to leave him at the moment. We just aren't meant to be, but it might be fun figuring that out for sure. LOL.

Anyway, Zoe is asleep in my lap and I'm dead tired. I'm off. Everyone who has the misfortunte to be reading this journal, I hope you have a wonderful day! I'm taking my nephew to the ball game for his birthday this evening, so pray for little to no rain!


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